by Bror Fredrik
Las Vegas Luxury Photographer
Photography Tips from a Pro – Gear Tip
The Best Camera is the One You Have With You
This means whether you have a smartphone or a pro level dslr with you, just get the shot.
It’s not the gear that makes the photographer, it’s the skill of the person behind it.tell a friend
No one ever said “Michelangelo must have had some expensive brushes to paint the Sistine Chapel” nor has anyone ever said to a Chef “That dish was amazing, you must have some great pots and pans!” Yet somehow in photography there’s this sense that if I can only buy a better camera my pictures would be so much better. I’m not going to lie and tell you that having top of the line gear won’t help you capture better images or that upgrading your equipment isn’t something you should aspire to but the fact is there’s way more to taking great images than the gear you are using.
Yes, I have thousands and thousands invested in my equipment and I can justify every piece I own but if I put one of my $10,000 body/lens combos in the hands of someone who doesn’t have the skill to use it they’ll end up with the same snapshots they’re getting using a cellphone … and most likely much much worse. Give an antique digital camera or smartphone to someone with skills and you’ll still see some amazing images.
Photography is more than gear. There’s composition, story telling, the right light, mood, emotion and sometimes it boils down to being in the right place at the right time.
The bottom line is this … learn the camera you have NOW inside out and how to “MAKE” pictures not “TAKE” pictures. Sure, as you learn and your skills improve and you can justify the expense, treat yourself to gear that is within your budget and fits your needs. Just don’t pass up the opportunity to capture a great image because of gear or lack thereof. Use what you have and use what you know!
The best time to start making great images is today!
If you need advise on gear feel free to ask BUT please include your budget and what you like to shoot and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.