Las Vegas Commercial Photography Luxury Shoes

 by Bror Fredrik

by Bror Fredrik

Las Vegas Luxury Photographer

A behind the scenes look at a recent commercial photo shoot for a Las Vegas luxury woman’s shoe retailer …

Location: Wynn Las Vegas

Gear Used:

  • Nikon D810
  • Nikkor 24-70mm 2.8G
  • Tokina 100mm Macro
  • Nikon SB-910 (x2)
  • Profoto B1 (x2)
  • Profoto 36″ x 48″ Softbox
  • Wescott 6′ Parabolic Umbrella
  • Homemade 30″ x 9″ Stripbox

Total Shoot Time: 6 Hours

Total Editing Time: 9 Hours


Commercial Photography Wynn Las Vegas

This commercial photo shoot took place at the Wynn Las Vegas. I love shooting at the Wynn and I’ve shot there many many times … even the bell hop remembered me … and my bags and bags of photography gear lol. My experiences at the Wynn have always been top notch from the time I pull in to the valet to the time they quickly retrieve my car and help me load my photo gear when the shoot is complete. I always get first class treatment all the way which is one of the reason I confidently recommend them to my clients for everything from headshots to boudoir photography to commercial projects such as this one.

Even after 30+ years as a professional photographer I’ll admit I still get a excited on every single photo shoot I do. Every commercial shoot and every client is uniquely different which keeps me on my photography toes … and I love it!

las vegas commercial photographer
las vegas commercial photographer bror fredrik

Making the Image


It took me about 90 minutes to get the lights just right. Since this was a high key image (pure white background) and also has a lot of white in the image including the beautiful dress the model wore, I had to not only get the perfect exposure on the subject without blowing out the detail in the image, I also had to eliminate shadows and color cast from the room itself. It was a challenge but I love photography challenges.

Lighting is everything in photography. I like to get the image right in camera … The old saying, I’ll fix it in post, isn’t the way I work. tell a friend

After the shoot I took a few images of these beautiful luxury shoes and of course a few amazing sunsets views of the Las Vegas Strip.

I loved doing this commercial photography project and I and the client are extremely pleased with the images I produced. I hope you enjoyed this look behind the scenes into my life a Las Vegas photographer.

If you enjoyed this article please share it using the links to the left ~ Bror Fredrik

December is filling up fast. Contact me now to book your Session!

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